15 Sep Rain at Weddings
For as long as I can remember every Saturday morning when I wake I check the weather. I make an assessment for every bride who will be married that day. Silly when you think about it because people are married on everyday of the week. For the past month the weather patterns have been so erratic that nothing could be relied upon and while contingencies can be made most couples would prefer a sparkling blue sky on the day of their wedding.
In some cultures rain on your wedding day is considered good luck and symbolic of fertility and a fresh start. In the Hindu tradition, for instance, rain on a wedding day signals a strong marriage, as a wet knot is harder to untie.
A wet day can make the whole experience uncomfortable for all involved, even if the occasion is an indoor function.The guests have to negotiate traffic, parking, keeping dry from point A to point B and C and dressing appropriately to consider the wet conditions….gum boots never really make a glamorous statement. The bridal party often arrive in cars and are able to be taken close to the ceremony position but the ‘dress’ is always at risk.
I have had a number of wet weddings this year, which negates the ‘sunshine Celebrant’ title which I had dubbed myself…..oh dear, fortunately for each of these wedding there was a beautiful wet weather option which I considered to be superior to the original plan. Last Saturday the unsettled weather suggested that nothing could be relied upon and the function centre, ‘Cropley House’ in Baulkham Hills had the temerity to set up an outdoor and indoor option…..just incase. Normally a blue patch of sky would indicate a break through of favourable weather but it was one of those abstract days when, despite the sun breaking through it still rained. We took a firm grip and tenaciously held on, with crossed fingers to the original outdoor option. This ceremony was a little longer than most as there were 6 bridesmaids who needed to walk to the ceremony position and the ceremony was beautifully rich with loving words and rituals. Doing well through the main body of the ceremony, despite the very cold conditions, we reached the time when the register needed to be signed…..Anxiety started to escalate as the clouds were heavy and spits of rain suggested the imminent. I knew that we still had about 5 minutes to run on the ceremony so I raced the signing through at record time, concluded with a lovely blessing and the grand announcement of Mr and Mrs and instead of the bridal party frolicking down the aisle all the wedding guests dashed for cover under the magnificent verandah of the homestead……Phew…..the rain pelted down. It was a true moment to rejoice as everyone was united by the miracle of perfect timing. Happy Days!
This day was evidence that the weather may influence how a day is managed but it can not come close to altering, or reducing the feeling of elation felt by the couple and their guests and quite possibly it could even intensify the prevailing mood……..the abundance of happiness!