02 Apr The Runaway Ring
The best laid plans can easily come unstuck but it is usually these unexpected gems which create the stories which remain fixed in our memories for a long time. It is interesting because these hiccups can repeatedly return us to the place and time that otherwise could be swiftly archived..
Last Saturday it was a glorious Autumn day and all the guests had arrived at Fagan Park in Galston, to celebrate the union of a teacher and a handsome RAAF soldier. The guests stood at the base of a monument while the wedding party stood at the top of the stairs (the picture will help you understand the layout). Everything was going well and then the rings were called for. After a lengthy fumble to liberate the rings from their secured knots on a cushion the rings were distributed to the Bride and Groom. With loving words expressed the Bride’s ring was placed. The bride then, while repositioning the Groom’s ring in readiness to place it on his finger…..dropped it, yes dropped the ring and it bounced down the steps, boing, boing, boing just like a slinky on steroids, it took each step without losing it’s edge until it reached the guests who ceremoniously parted to give a clear path for it’s escape. Of course everyone was tickled and the Bride took it in good spirits and I mumbled something like ‘this is symbolic of an adventurous union which is resilient and robust’.
I will long remember this wedding (with a smile) for the best use of a staircase at a wedding I have seen.